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Understanding Chest Pain Arising Out of Digestive Issues and Ways to Tackle It
Image Source: expertcardiologist.co.uk

Understanding Chest Pain Arising Out of Digestive Issues and Ways to Tackle It

You may experience pain in your chest for many reasons. One of the most common reasons behind pain in your chest is an issue in your digestive tract especially in your esophagus. It is the elongated, tubular organ that assists in connecting the stomach to the pharynx. The muscular tube is instrumental in transporting food from your mouth to your stomach to enable proper digestion. You may experience a pain in the center of your chest due to issues in your esophagus. The pain may be felt from your epigastrium to your throat.  

Moreover, esophageal pain may start radiating to both sides of your chest. In most cases, non-cardiac pain in your chest may be associated with esophageal issues such as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Depression, anxiety, and stress may culminate in chronic pain in your chest. Many other conditions may lead to acute pain in your chest, like musculoskeletal injuries and lung issues. However, digestive issues, more often than not, cause severe pain in your chest. According to Medical News Today, gas pain in your chest may occur due to digestive issues or after swallowing air. This condition may be alleviated with dietary changes recommended by your doctor.

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Sometimes acids present in your stomach may travel into the esophagus. It causes a burning sensation, and you may experience heartburn or tightness just under the breastbone. This type of chest pain may become worse in case you are lying down as the acid enters your esophagus due to the gravitational pull. GERD often causes more issues after consuming spicy foods. According to Top Rated Doctor in UAE things can be worst at night while sleeping after dinner.


Some common symptoms of peptic ulcers are discomfort associated with meals and epigastric pain. Pain may occur in other parts of your body due to peptic ulcers, like pain in your chest, lower abdomen, hypochondriac region, and back. Avoid drinking alcohol and acidic foods to manage the issue.


The walls of your esophagus may get inflamed due to allergic reactions to specific food items. Just like in the case of GERD, you may experience a burning pain just below your breastbone.


Gallstones comprise cholesterol and may end up blocking ducts to prevent bile or digestive juice from traveling to the small intestine. Your gallbladder may develop swelling, and you will experience pain on the right side of your ribcage. You may experience severe pain in the chest for several hours at a stretch.


Gastritis causes a burning sensation that initiates in the upper portion of your stomach. This burning sensation gradually starts radiating up to your chest. In a few cases, the acid may reach your mouth. You may experience a burning sensation in your throat, and there may be a sour taste in your mouth. You may experience intense pain in your lower left chest due to a stomach lining infection and inflammation. You may feel sick and develop vomiting issues due to gastritis.


Your healthcare provider may recommend a few effective treatment options, including NTA testing, to manage non-cardiac pain in your chest. NTA testing, also known as Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, is a technique used to measure and analyze nanoparticles in liquid suspension and can provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of the pain.

Sara Benz
Hello, I'm Sara Benz, and I'm a certified Health & Beauty blog writer, and I've completed my master's degree from a US university, and I have 3 years of experience writing blog posts. I write on topics including Health & Beauty. My work has been published by various websites such as TechUp99.com, AffairView.com, WikiVice.com, and more.