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The Indispensable Impact of Formula Milk on a Child’s Growth and Well-being
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The Indispensable Impact of Formula Milk on a Child’s Growth and Well-being

Experts recommend breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life since mother’s milk is the most suitable for newborns and infants. It contains valuable nutrients, immune antibodies, vitamins, and minerals that support the proper development of the little organism. Even though mother’s milk is the best food, there are situations when breastfeeding is impossible. In such cases, parents face the need to pick the baby formula that will suit their infant’s needs best.

Composition of Baby Formula

The composition of European Baby Formulas is regulated by European Union law. The content of key nutrients must be similar in each formula and mimic the composition of breast milk as closely as possible. Therefore, you can be sure that the organic formula for infants from almost any manufacturer will meet your child’s basic nutritional needs. However, there are some differences that determine whether a baby will tolerate a product of one brand or another better. Here, the choice should be guided by observation of the infant’s reaction and medical recommendations.

What is the Baby Formula?

Baby formula is produced from cow’s milk and is subjected to technological processes to adapt its composition to the needs and capabilities of the infant. The proportions of proteins, fats, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids are changed, and necessary vitamins and ingredients that support the development of a small organism are added.

Let’s dig deeper into detail:

  • a certain percentage of milk protein is removed and casein is replaced with easier-to-digest whey protein;
  • milk fat is replaced with vegetable fat enriched with unsaturated fatty acids;
  • the mixture is enriched with milk sugar, lactose;
  • the levels of chlorine, potassium, and sodium are reduced;
  • the formula is enriched with iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc;
  • vitamins A, C, E, D, and B vitamins are added to the composition;
  • the mixture is enriched with pre- and probiotics, beneficial for the infant’s intestinal flora;
  • nucleotides, taurine, L-carnitine, and cholesterol are added to the baby formula.

The model for baby formulas is breast milk, but there is currently no way for the milk replacer to have the same nutritional values and properties as human breast milk. It is unlikely that this will ever be achieved because a mother’s milk constantly adapts to the baby’s needs. It is also worth remembering that at the basic level, baby formulas do not significantly differ in composition, as it is strictly regulated. However, differences may concern additional substances.

How Does a Baby Formula Affect the Baby’s Immunity?

A child’s immunity is developed already in the prenatal period. During labor, when the baby comes into contact with microorganisms for the first time, the newborn’s immune system learns to recognize pathogens – this is how the child’s immunity develops after birth.

The way the infant is fed also has a huge impact on the child’s health and immunity in the postnatal period. Mother’s milk contains multiple ingredients that support the child’s immunity, including prebiotics, which stimulate the growth of beneficial probiotics (the so-called intestinal microflora). They perform many functions – sealing the intestinal barrier, stimulating the production of immune antibodies, and competing with pathogens for a place to attach to the digestive tract walls (the large intestine), making it difficult for harmful pathogens to multiply. The best baby formulas are enriched with prebiotics and probiotics. When choosing a formula for your infant, look for one that contains valuable oligosaccharides.

Vitamins A, C, and D are also valuable components of breast milk. Vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of collagen, an essential element that gives elasticity to the skin, which is the body’s barrier protecting from pathogens. Vitamins A and D support the immune system and stimulate the production of antibodies to fight infections. The baby formulas are also necessarily enriched with these components to provide the best immunity support for your little one.

Final Thoughts

Considering the number of tests that baby formulas undergo, it can be confirmed that they are safe for infant feeding. Particularly in cases when a mother has no other option to feed her baby. However, it is unjustified to use formula milk when there are no reasons to do so. Any doubts related to feeding your baby should be consulted with a pediatrician or a lactation consultant.

Sara Benz
Hello, I'm Sara Benz, and I'm a certified Health & Beauty blog writer, and I've completed my master's degree from a US university, and I have 3 years of experience writing blog posts. I write on topics including Health & Beauty. My work has been published by various websites such as TechUp99.com, AffairView.com, WikiVice.com, and more.