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How to Break in New Shoes Without Discomfort or Pain
Image Source: Google.com

How to Break in New Shoes Without Discomfort or Pain

When it comes to new shoes, discomfort, and pain are often common experiences for many women. Wearing new shoes can be challenging, as they often require some time to break in and adjust to the contours of your feet. Whether it is a pair of dress shoes or sneakers, breaking into new shoes without experiencing any discomfort or pain requires a few essential tips and tricks. This article will provide valuable insights on how to break into new shoes without discomfort or pain.

Wear Them Around the House

One of the best ways to break in new shoes is to wear them around the house. Start by wearing your new shoes for a few hours each day while doing your daily tasks around the house. This will help your feet get used to the shoes’ shape and give them time to adjust to their size and fit. Walking around on different surfaces, such as carpets, hardwood floors, and tiles, will help you break in the shoes more quickly and comfortably.

How to Break in New Shoes Without Discomfort or Pain
Image Source: Google.com

Use Socks or Band-Aids

Wearing socks or band-aids while wearing new shoes can significantly reduce the pain and discomfort often accompanying breaking in new shoes. Socks can provide a protective barrier between your feet and the shoes, preventing blisters and rubbing. Band-aids can also be placed where your shoes are rubbing against your skin, preventing the formation of blisters and reducing discomfort.

Apply Heat

Applying heat to new shoes can help soften the leather or material and make them more comfortable. You can use a hairdryer or a heated towel to warm the shoes’ interior and exterior, making them more pliable and comfortable. After heating the shoes, wear them for a few minutes to allow them to adjust to your feet’ shape while they are still warm.

Stretch Them Out

Stretching out new shoes is another way to break them without discomfort or pain. You can use a shoe stretcher or fill them with wet socks or newspaper to help them stretch and mold to the shape of your feet. Leave them to stretch overnight and wear them the following day to help break them in.

Use Lubricants

Using lubricants such as petroleum jelly or specialized shoe-stretching spray can help reduce friction between your feet and new shoes, preventing blisters and reducing discomfort. Apply a small amount of lubricant to areas where the shoes rub against your skin, and wear them for a few hours. This will help the shoes stretch and mold to your feet while reducing discomfort.

Wear Them with Insoles

Insoles can provide additional cushioning and support, making new shoes more comfortable. Insoles can also help fill gaps between your feet and the shoes, preventing rubbing and blisters. Consider using specialized insoles for specific shoes, such as high heels, running, or dress shoes.

Gradually Increase Wear Time

When breaking in new shoes, it is essential to gradually increase the amount of time you wear them. Start by wearing them for a few hours daily and gradually increase the time over several days or weeks. This will help your feet adjust to the shoes’ shape and size without experiencing discomfort or pain.

How to Break in New Shoes Without Discomfort or Pain
Image Source: Google.com


Breaking into new shoes without discomfort or pain requires time and effort. Following these essential tips and tricks can make the process more comfortable and reduce the risk of blisters and discomfort. Whether you are breaking in a pair of high heels or running shoes, wearing them around the house, using socks or band-aids, applying heat, stretching them out, using lubricants, wearing them with insoles, and gradually increasing wear time are all effective ways to break in new shoes comfortably. You can break into new shoes and enjoy comfort and style with patience and persistence.

Previous Post: How to Buy Women’s Shoes Online and Get the Perfect Fit Every Time

Stela Steve
Hello, I'm Stella Steve, and I'm a certified fashion, and lifestyle blog writer, and I've completed my master's degree from a US university, and I have 5 years of experience writing blog posts. I write on topics including fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. My work has been published by various websites.