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Unique Plant Decorating Ideas For Your Home
Image Source - Yandex.com
Home Decore Ideas

Unique Plant Decorating Ideas for Your Home

If you’re struggling to gind the right decor for your place, you’re in luck because you might have just found your solution. Plants are, for the most part, ideal decor mainly because of how they make your home look great. Not only this, but they’re also great at making the environment better, with some indoor plants being known to remove toxins like carbon monoxide from the air. 

The only downside might be that plants require maintenance, but hey. Even a marble statue would need to be dusted from time to time, so what’s wrong with a little watering? 

Of course, you don’t always have to get plants that all look the same – in fact, there’s a plant out there for any kind of home decor, so let’s dig in. 

Looking to spruce up your apartment with some unique plant decorating ideas? Adding plants to your home can bring in a touch of nature and give it a fresh, vibrant look. With the right plants and decorations, you can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your living space. Here are some creative plant decorating ideas that you can use to add some greenery to your home. Check out apartments for rent in paterson NJ.

Glass Pressed Flowers 

Not everyone is interested in live plants, and that’s okay. There are a lot of ways to add some fun and personality to your home with the help of plants that doesn’t require weekly plants delivery to your place, and one of them is to get some glass pressed flowers. 
Glass pressed flowers can last you ages, and can be displayed either as a tabletop accessory or on the wall like a painting – we recommend pairing this with some small and interesting decor of your own to complete the look. 

Are you living in a small bedroom apartment and feeling cramped? Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to maximize the space without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll look at 10 easy tips that can help you make the most out of your small bedroom apartment. From utilizing vertical space to decluttering and reorganizing, these tips will help you create a comfortable and stylish living environment that’s perfect for relaxing and entertaining. So let’s get started! Check out the life at apartments for rent in springfield IL.

If you don’t have any energy to find ones online, you can even make your own glass pressed flowers with the help of the countless DIY videos that exist online on the topic. 

Fresh Flower Arrangements 

For those who really care about their home and don’t mind getting to switch it up from time to time, fresh flower arrangements are the best way to give their homes some freshness and an extra pop of color. 

There are flower arrangements for every occasion and in every size – you’ll be able to find an eye catching statement tabletop piece almost as easily as you’ll be able to find something simple and cheerful to put on your bedside table. A good rule to follow is to make sure the size,  color, and material of the container the flowers are being kept in matches the floral arrangement itself. 

If you take care of your flowers properly by cutting diagonally along the stems, removing excess leaves and twigs from the stems, and using flower preservatives are well as washing the flower container properly with soap every time you change arrangements, you’ll be able to get the most use out of your flowers. 

Vines on the Walls 

For a unique and very different look, try growing vines in such a way that they’re creeping up one of your walls. Admittedly, this takes a bit of time and energy, but the end results can be incredible and rewarding. 

To direct the plant to grow in a certain direction – no matter what indoor vine plant you get – you can prop it up using nails to the wall, much like you would use nails stuck to the wall to support string hanging from there. This way once the plants are big enough to stand on their own, they still have a lot of support and make a sturdy structure over your wall. 

Plant Shelves 

Incorporate small and large plants in pots on the shelves in your home, like small plants that are kept in interesting pots coupled with natural stones, crystals, and other objects inspired by nature. Pots containing succulents – a very low maintenance but pretty variety of plants – are a great idea if you just want to place some around the house. 

Apart from shelves, table tops, kitchen counters, and kitchen islands are great places to keep plants around the house. 

Herb Garden 

Combine both usefulness and functionality with the help of a herb garden in your kitchen. Most kitchens with herb gardens keep the plants by the window, and grow common plants like mint and rosemary. Some herb gardens might even grow cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, but it all depends on your ease with growing plants and how much time you’re willing to invest in the whole thing. 

Once up and running, you will be able to have your kitchen look great, and get to use your own herbs in your cooking. 

Indoor Plants in the Corners 

Plant Decorating
Image Source – pexels.com

Easy to grow indoor plants, be it succulents or tropical plants that stand in the corners of most rooms, are a great way to add personality and depth to your space as well as give your home a sophisticated and natural look. Most plants require regular watering but not everyday, and you’ll be able to get your hands on them pretty easily. Here are some popular choices for indoor plants: 

  • Chinese evergreen
  • Peace lily
  • Spider plant
  • Prayer plant
  • Aloe vera

Most of these plants are easy to grow, even for beginners, and add their own touch and atmosphere to the place. The peace lily, for example, leaves quite an impression thanks to it’s distinct flowers that stand straight, and the chinese evergreen is known for it’s yellow and green leaves that are often wide and fresh. At the same time, the spider plant offers a certain edginess the your space, and the aloe vera is a handy plant to grow around the home, mainly because of it’s many uses in skincare treatments – you’ll be able to make your own aloe vera gel out of your aloe vera plants eventually, the process is super easy and takes minutes. 

Wall Mounted Pots 

If you don’t have enough room in the corners for plants and pots, you can put them up on walls in wall mounted pots. Plants like Pothos are essentially ideal to grow from either shelves or from the ceiling in a hanging pot because of it’s “hanging” appearance, and it’s not the only one. 

These plants, like vines, are a great way to add a touch of greenery in your home if you feel like you’re short on space and tabletops and the floor are spaces you’d rather use for more functional purposes than have home decor take up that space. 

Diana Alex
Hello, I'm Diana Alex, and I'm a certified Home Decor & Furnitures blog writer, and I've completed my master's degree from a US university, and I have 5 years of experience writing blog posts. I write on topics including Home Decor & Furniture. My work has been published by various websites such as TechUp99.com, AffairView.com, WikiVice.com, and more.