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Good Tutors Finder: 4 Best Tutoring Services at Home and Online
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Good Tutors Finder: 4 Best Tutoring Services at Home and Online

Many parents have opted for online tutoring services to improve their kids’ academic performance. Finding the best tutor can be a tricky task, whether the purpose is supplementing in-person learning or wholly homeschooling a student. A good tutor should be flexible to help improve your child’s academic performance. Finding a tutoring program that fits your child’s needs and is tailored toward personalized learning is also essential. The program should also meet the family’s budget, goals, and schedule.

Online tutoring occurs virtually where learners and students may participate from different locations. Home tutoring involves a tutor and a learner meeting online. With numerous tutoring services, parents can need help to determine the best online math learning for their kids. So, below is a list of the best tutoring services.

1. Chegg Study

Chegg Study is an online subscription service that offers kids homework help. Students can look for answers to textbook questions that Chegg keeps as a database. If the questions are outside the database, learners can submit them to experts and expect solutions within 30 minutes to 24 hours. Chegg has a paid subscription where learners access all study materials and a free subscription which allows users to use the math solver for only three problems per day. Learners are also denied access to the graphing calculator and do not get detailed solutions to questions that paying users access. Chegg offers math for kids and courses in science, business, and engineering.

It has three different subscriptions plans, namely: 

  1. Chegg study for $14.95
  2. Chegg Writing for $9.95
  3. Chegg study pack for $19.95 per month

You can access Chegg compendium services from the website where you can sign up and choose your subscription.


  • It offers a variety of services online for students 
  • It is perfect for solving equation problems from online math tutoring of students


  • Subscription is expensive
  • Strict device limitations lead to users being locked out of their accounts.
  • Services are disparate rather than neatly unified.

2. Princeton Review

Princeton Review is an education service company that offers student test preparation, tutoring, and admission resources. The program was started back in 1981 by Adam Robinson and John Katzman. Learners can work one-on-one with a tutor or through the adaptive online products offered. Each learner has a personalized schedule based on the interests, strengths, difficulties, and needs. Princeton Review provides online tutoring, test preparation, admissions counseling, on-demand tutoring, books, and advice on the best schools. The subscription charges are based on the number of hours you intend to study a day for a month. 

The program transitioned entirely online back in 2020 during the coronavirus outbreak. Every year, the program helps millions of college and graduate students and professionals to achieve their education and career goals through numerous educational products and services offered.

Why Choose Princeton Review?

  • It provides expert-level tutoring, allowing students to use thesis development, reasoning, and high-level word choice to create comprehensive essays.
  • The program offers online and in-person tutoring options to give students the necessary instruction. Whether you want to learn maths online or in person, you will always find an expert tutor.
  • It has drills and practice questions that can help students boost their scores. 

3. Learn to Be 

Learn to Be is a US-based non-profit educational organization that recruits volunteers to offer free or low-cost online tutoring to students in underserved communities. Parents may be willing to help their kids learn mathematics online, but most online companies charge fees that lower the family’s income. Learn to Be made it into the list since it has made it possible for foster and homeless youths and students in struggling families to access affordable, if not free, quality online education. The students are paired with volunteer tutors and meet once or twice-weekly to work on reading, writing, and learning maths. Learn to Be offers one-on-one online tutoring, which is the program’s core. A student can work with one tutor till they have reached their goal and witnessed academic improvement.

How the Program Works

To ensure that only struggling students access the program, Learn to Be has the following procedure to enroll a student:

  • First, a parent, teacher, or guardian fills in an in-depth enrollment form describing their students’ needs and the reasons they qualify.
  • The program assesses the forms and determines the most qualified students and enrolls them into the program.
  • After the profile is published, a student is connected to their volunteer tutor who will work with them during math learning online virtual classrooms.

4. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is another non-profit educational organization aiming to provide a world-class education to anyone worldwide for free. Unlike Learn to Be, Khan Academy offers services to students of all ages and teachers. The program offers personalized learning where kids learn at their own pace and based on their strengths, weaknesses, and needs. This approach helps fill the gaps in their understanding and accelerate the learning pace. Khan Academy is also known for helping students learning math online and improving their math academic math performance significantly. It also provides teachers with tools that can help them identify gaps in their students’ knowledge, tailor instructions, and meet the needs of every student. 

Pros of Khan Academy

  • It is a 100% free service since it is dependent mainly on volunteer donations.
  • The platform uses gamification that motivates students to learn.
  • Many courses have transcript translation which allows students to access courses in the languages they understand.
  • You do not need an account to access the courses though it might help to keep track of your progress.
  • The Khan Academy app is available on iOS and Android and free to download with no subscription fees. 


An excellent online learning program should offer a personalized and fun learning experience and an affordable cost. It should also have tools for teachers and parents to assess their students’ progress. So, check the options above to decide the best solution for your kid.

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Mary Jack
Hello, I'm Mary Jack, and I'm a certified Opinion Expert blog writer, and I've completed my master's degree from a US university, and I have 5 years of experience writing blog posts. I write on topics including Opinion Expert. My work has been published by various websites such as TechUp99.com, AffairView.com, WikiVice.com, and more.