Tongue and throat muscles become relaxed when a person sleeps. Due to this, one can experience a partial or total blockage in their airway. It leads to problems like shallow breathing. When normal breathing happens, the affected person makes a choking sound or snorts, and his deep sleep gets disturbed. Such an experience can last for 30 to 60 minutes or more. If you choke or gasp while asleep, snore too much, or get disturbed sleep, you must check with an ENT. ENTs refer to this condition as sleep apnea, which can be of three types. The most common of them is obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea patients suffer from headaches, sleepiness the entire day, and frequent need to urinate at night.
People with sugar need to be more careful. Because this condition creates pressure on their heart and nerves by decreasing oxygen levels and increasing CO2, it’s essential to treat it. Otherwise, one can risk developing stroke, heart ailment, high BP, etc. If you suspect having this health condition, visit Before this, let’s explore standard treatment methods and other things.
Sleep Apnea Treatment Methods
Mild cases can recover with lifestyle modifications, including weight management, quitting smoking, etc. However, moderate and severe conditions will require treatment. One typical process is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). It involves using a mask to provide additional oxygen supply to the patient so his upper airways remain open. It checks snoring or apnea. CPAPs can be of two types – automatic and ventilator-based. Or, your ENT can recommend a disposable EPAP or expiratory positive airway pressure device that you wear on your nostrils before sleeping. You inhale normally, but the small holes prevent exhaling too much to help airways stay wide open.
When other non-surgical methods prove ineffective, ENTS may recommend surgery. They usually advise adults for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. During surgery, the surgeon works on the tissues in your mouth’s rear part and throat’s upper side, focusing on adenoids and tonsils to prevent them from vibrating. It eventually helps with controlling snoring issues. Some patients may have to undergo maxillomandibular advancement that involves shifting the jaw in the front to create a clear passage at the back to reduce any obstruction.
Preparing for Sleep Apnea Appointment
ENT wants to know your and your family’s medical record. Please share the symptoms you experience while sleeping. The doctor may ask how long this has been happening to you. If you take any medication or supplements, your ENT should know about it. After getting an overall idea of your health, the doctor can ask you to give a test at a clinic or home to monitor your sleep. You may have to take a Nocturnal polysomnography test. If the report shows a drop in oxygen levels during sleep and resumption after you wake up, it indicates your health problem. Most sleep apnea cases improve with healthy lifestyle choices, such as controlled use of alcohol, weight loss, no smoking, etc. Daily exercising and a well-nourishing diet are the other ingredients. Nevertheless, understanding your condition is the first step to lead a peaceful life.
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